
Fire risk assessment template for mobile devices

06/09/2020 | 4 min read | Written by Johannes Heinrich

Fire safety reports document the presence of fire protection measures in buildings. In order to ensure the safety of the users of a building, you must carry out fire inspections with the greatest care. Consequently, they can take a lot of time. Using PlanRadar’s digital fire risk assessment template for mobile devices, you can carry out inspections much faster and create comprehensive fire safety reports with the press of a button.

Fire risk safety assessment: burning adapter

The 5 key steps of fire risk assessments

In the United Kingdom, under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment must be carried out by a responsible person to prevent fire and keep people safe. With 237 fire-related fatalities and over 7,000 fire-related casualties confirmed in England alone in 2019, the proper undertaking of risk assessments should always be taken seriously.

Fire risk assessments consist of 5 key steps:

  1. Identify fire risks

    Undertake a thorough examination of the presence of things that can start a fire (lighting, naked flames, electrical equipment, smoker’s materials, etc.) and objects that promote the spread of a fire due to their flammability (Packaging, furniture, petrol, protective coverings, etc).

  2. Identify people at risk

    Investigate which individuals (working alone or in isolated areas, etc.) or groups of people (children, disabled people, etc.) are at risk from their activities, reduced mobility, lack of local knowledge or for other reasons in the event of a fire.

  3. Evaluate, remove or reduce the identified risks

    Based on the analyses in steps 1 and 2, evaluate which risks exist in general and for people. Following this, formulate recommendations for how these risks can be remedied or minimised (e.g. removal of objects at risk of fire, planning of escape routes, the addition of sprinkler systems etc.). If there are checks which you need to complete more frequently than a full fire risk assessment, such as checking the status of fire extinguishers and fire doors, ensure that you schedule, carry them out and fully document them regularly.

  4. Record findings, prepare emergency plans and provide training

    Document all dangers and describe the preventive measures that you recommend. Document any completed preventative measures then create a detailed plan of how to prevent fires. Conduct training so that the users of a building know how to act in the event of a fire. All of these interventions help to keep people safe.

  5. Review and update the fire risk assessment at regular intervals

    Subject your fire risk assessments to regular checks to ensure they are up to date. If necessary, make adjustments and notify the relevant people.


PlanRadar ticket with fire risk safety checklist

Fire risk assessment template: Digital checklist for easy data recording

With PlanRadar you and your team can carry out fire protection inspections directly on your mobile devices. You record the fire risk assessment’s data via digital checklists in tickets which you place on a digital blueprint. Add information such as photos, comments and documents to complete the checklist. Freely edit the ticket format to adjust the fire risk assessment template according to your needs.

All recorded data are stored in the cloud and can be called up from anywhere and at any time. Share information in real time with employees or subcontractors so that fire risks are resolved without wasting time. Fire protection measures can also be assigned a priority, degree of completion and a deadline for completion. Additionally, using the integrated chat function, you and your project partners can easily get in touch at any time.

READING TIP: See all of the available report templates here

PlanRadar's fire risk safety assessment template

Create fire safety reports with a simple click

But with PlanRadar you can do even more. With our fire risk assessment report template, you can also speed up the creation of comprehensive fire safety reports. The report template comes with predefined fields for data entry. You can then automatically add all information collected by your team during an inspection, such as hazards identified, existing control measures and actions required, to the fire risk assessment report template.

You can use our predefined data fields and start working right away. Alternatively, you can also edit and add new fields as required. The template’s formatting is flexible and you can also adapt it within seconds by dragging and dropping the structure from existing Word and Excel documents. You can even add your company’s logo and house style.

Once you have finished adding all your required data fields to the digital fire risk assessment report template, export the finished fire safety report as a PDF with just a simple click. Sign the report on your mobile device and then share it with project participants, building owners, registered inspectors, and the relevant authorities.

Complete fire safety report exported as PDF

Use PlanRadar to digitise processes

More than 25,000 users in over 60 countries use PlanRadar for their construction and real estate projects. Apart from fire risk assessments, other areas of application include site diaries, snag reports, health and safety audits, home inspections and more. The software comes with pre-built templates for tickets and reports and is available for Android, iOS, and Windows devices.

Do you want to learn more about how PlanRadar’s fire safety platform could work for you? Test PlanRadar now for 30 days free of charge.

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