Blog Post

Construction Standards – The consequences of shoddy workmanship

04/24/2018 | 8 min read | Written by Simon

The construction industry is booming and as a result, there is an immense workload that needs to be completed in ever decreasing timeframes. This consequently leads to a flood of craftsmen working on job sites all over the world. It goes without saying that the increase in workers doesn’t necessarily mean an increase in quality. It seems to be quite the opposite since lesser skilled workmen are cheaper and easier to find. That is why nowadays, keeping your construction standards high is more important than ever. We will show you how PlanRadar protects you from shoddy workmanship and its consequences and:

  • How to keep your construction standards high
  • How shoddy workmanship leads to more unforeseen problems
  • How communicating specifics is key
  • How proactive strategies prevail on site

Picture of a poorly installed tap

Achieve higher construction standards with PlanRadar

The high standards you set for yourself, can now be set for all project participants. Because working on a platform where everything is documented automatically sets a higher communication standard. This alone makes everyone involved more aware of the possible consequences that come with not fulfilling their work to the required standard. For example, if you identify an installation that is not built to the contractually agreed standard. It may even potentially risk not fulfilling the requirements for a permit. This management tool lets you record defects and notes while on site and immediately assign them to the responsible person. The recipient will immediately get a notification and the task creator will, in turn, be notified in real-time about the response. Tasks can be placed directly on drawings as well, so there is full transparency about the issue at hand. But it can do much more. Let’s say for example your comment describes the following: „Not installed according to building code XY – Requirements for permit YZ not met“. This not only gives you the option of filtering all tasks regarding e.g. „building code XY“ or „Permit YZ“, but also set priorities and completion dates! It makes monitoring your project a lot easier. But more importantly, it lets you arrange tasks to secure the standard and meet building permits on time and at the arranged costs.

Another benefit that improves your daily task- and defect management workflows are getting rid of annoying paperwork. Thanks to the cloud-based technology, all project members are up to date at all times. Any communication between project members is recorded on the platform and chronologically ordered. So that even long after the warranty period all records can be retraced.

Completing projects with high construction standards should always be the goal. Not only for a company’s credentials but also for sustainable reasons. What architect, contractor or investor doesn’t take pride in accomplishing something of high quality? Achieving a high quality in your building projects will eventually work well for everyone. Putting high standards in the design, architecture, and engineering of a home, a building, a mega structure or any facilities, is one of our main goals. The request for software applications which are able to deal with these tasks and information is accordingly high. Visit our home page to learn more about our services and get an overall view.

Qualitative work begins with getting all project members into the mindset of executing the project, with all its various specifications, according to plan. Experienced industry people know how missteps can result in expensive subsequent costs and even lawsuits. Unskilled workmen, unsuitable equipment and materials, and a lack of project management are just a few things that can lead to shoddy workmanship. High-level engineering and working with facilities according to international standards become more and more important for global operating companies. Our services are going to support your work missions all over the globe. Contact us to start your work on an optimized construction project with the right companion.

Shoddy workmanship leads to unforseen problems

„From a review of 200 claims in the USA, causes of defects there have been broadly categorised showing that ambiguities, divergences, deficiencies, inaccuracies and typographical errors in specifications, drawings, schedules and the like accounted for just over half of all claims – making poor preparation of documents the biggest single factor in causing defects disputes.“
Bar chart about unforseen problems through shoddy workmanship


The figure above is a great example of why lawyers are seeing an increase in construction defect claims. One of the major areas of concern is poor workmanship. In simple terms, workmanship is the skill and quality put into making a product or completing a project. Workmanship is about quality. If workers are careless or don’t follow proper protocol you can end up with a finished product that lacks the quality you’ve anticipated.

Everybody knows someone or have themselves experienced a case of shoddy workmanship and its consequences. For example:


  • Poor concrete compaction
  • Incorrectly installed products
  • Use of false materials
  • And many more.



  • Subsidence and structural damage, etc.
  • Plumbing issues, etc.
  • Corrosion, Molding, etc.

So, save yourself the headache of having to explain to inspectors why you haven’t met the required standards. Get your free 30-day trial now and avoid the results of shoddy workmanship.

Now you are probably asking yourself: “But isn’t that why I have a builder warranty? “ Yes, there are penalties embedded in every contract that is supposed to protect you from these kinds of consequences. But why are there still so many cases of shoddy workmanship? Because sometimes these penalties are not severe enough that more than often they are just viewed as a slap on the wrist. When in reality they should be so prohibitive that no contractor or subcontractor dares to take shortcuts. Of course, you can search and find fissures and cracks in the walls or ceilings of newly built houses, but this isn’t necessarily the bad workmanship we want to point out. The problem comes with craftsmen that don‘t comply with the tender requirements to which they are legally and contractually bound. That is why it should be an industry goal to inhibit the problems of poor workmanship.


The importance of communicating specifics

PlanRadars task- and defect management capabilities make tracking interdisciplinary collaboration as easy as you want it to be. Forget having to take notes by hand and then scanning or photographing them to share with other project participants. Your notes can be recorded and shared with just a few taps of your fingertips. Each entry can be assigned to individual properties such as e.g. rooms or remarks and attached with numerous photos including the associated plan location. In addition to that, all notes and recordings can be marked-up, assigned, categorized, prioritized, and worked into the schedule. All entries are stored in the database, where contractors and all the other authorized project participants can obtain an up-to-date overview of the construction progress without a long search.

This way you can navigate your project away from misunderstandings between you and e.g. your architects or construction contractors. Because as we all know communication is key when it comes to keeping standards high and fulfill permit requirements. Permits take time to pull and they cost money, so you want to make sure to get them as soon as possible. You don’t want to be the one having to deal with the governmental building inspector and explaining why you couldn’t meet all the requirements.

During construction, specifics are everything and failure to communicate them could create massive changes to the ongoing construction, schedule delays, risk going over budget and maybe need changes to the contract.  Construction specifications detail the work and workmanship needed to maintain the required standard, there’s no way to get around them. Just like required documents during the design phase, they’re an integral part of the process.

If you’ve been around the construction industry for more than a minute, you know the more details, the better. The clearer a description is, the more likely it will be executed correctly. As projects become more complex and budgets scrutinized, the access to data is critical to making the right decisions during construction and in result reduce risk. That is why being able to use and work with your tablet or smartphone is so important because it provides you with project data wherever you are. Because controlling risk is essential to managing successful projects.

Reactive vs. proactive strategies

construction worker on site measuring construction parts
As we mentioned earlier, you don’t want to be the one explaining to the government building inspector why you couldn’t meet the requirements that you knew of months ago. If you have been in this situation more than once you should seriously consider subscribing to a more active than reactive work strategy.

Just for clarification: Reactive work strategies are those that respond to some unanticipated event only after it occurs, while proactive strategies are designed to anticipate possible challenges. Because no one can anticipate every possibility, no one can be proactive in every situation. However, projects that embrace proactive strategies are usually more effective at dealing with challenges.

That is why PlanRadar has made it one of its goals to maximize project cost efficiency and support the communication of everyone involved with the project in the best possible way by simplifying all process flows and encourage proactive working. Important data can be obtained more easily. Also, your task- and defect management processes become more transparent, more comprehensible and more efficient.

So, if you are experienced in this field and understand the crucial element of getting everything done right during the pre-construction stages, start with your free 30-day trial now and benefit from the most reliable task- and defect management tool out there. For any further questions contact us or visit our homepage

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