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Contractor Software: taking the stress out of construction projects

28.08.2018 | 5 min read | Written by Alexandra Hasek

Contractors have a hugely demanding role on the construction site, managing large teams and thousands of tasks, all of which need completing within a tight deadline. With responsibility for the availability of material and equipment and quality control, in addition to health and safety, a lot rests on the shoulders of a general contractor. Meanwhile, a lot of critical functions sit with subcontractors. With huge quantities of information and many independent teams, it can be hard to keep control of the project. Team members need to know exactly what they need to do and when, and they also need to understand the complete project and their role in it. This is where contractor software can help.

Without a clear plan to control the project and all of its parts, timeframes slip. This can put the safety of workers and the construction quality at risk. Undoubtedly, the subcontractor’s job is a stressful one, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Construction employee sits overwhelmed on a staircase

Drive a strong team culture and reduce stress

Communication is the key to effective teamwork and collaboration. Team members need to know what is expected of them and they need to have clear, achievable targets. Once they realise how their tasks fit within the overall project and how their interrelated tasks impact other areas, team members can ‘buy-in’ to the project. They see their worth within it and are more motivated to do a good job. Everyone likes to achieve and feel the buzz of collaborative success and it’s important to share the site’s goals and its success with all team members.

Adopting just a few best-practice techniques can help culture strong team mentality and manage unnecessary stress. Many of these can be managed with the use of contractor software:

  • Produce an entire project plan and prioritise each task within it
  • Set a timeline for each task
  • Be clear about each job, your expectations and the deadlines that go with it
  • Make deadlines realistic and achievable and ensure each person has the tools they need to do their job well
  • Share the load – encourage team members to speak up if they are struggling so resources can be reallocated accordingly
  • Make sure everyone takes regular breaks to refresh and refocus
  • Make communication key – find easier ways to communicate with your team and allow them to report back to you
  • Maintain a positive working environment
  • Encourage team members to have a healthy work/life balance, including plenty of time to exercise, socialise and get enough sleep

How to increase site productivity using contractor software

Contractor software can take the stress out of project management by collating tasks and automating collaboration while building a picture of the entire project.

PlanRadar is the complete digital documentation and communication solution for all construction projects. As a cloud-based solution, it is accessible anywhere and anytime on your computer or smartphone. You ca find all project information and drill down to individual tasks at the touch of a button. Allocate construction tasks, assign deadlines and attach all of the information needed for team members to complete the project. Every team member can access the information directly on their smartphone through the easy-to-use PlanRadar App. As a result, you can empower subcontractors to manage and report on their own tasks.

Each task is tracked in real-time, giving an up-to-the-minute view of the entire project and all its parts.

Taking a multi-level approach

Technology is paving the way to new levels of construction productivity. Contractor software, such as PlanRadar, drives collaboration and eliminates communication issues that can lead to conflict and time delays.

PlanRadar enables contractor companies to:

  • Build a strong communication bond: Contractor software provides a connecting hub for your project team. Reduce emails and connect team members to a central point for immediate updates and project status changes. This also makes sure everyone knows who is responsible for what.
  • Make one-to-one contact: Assign tasks to individuals and mark them directly on the building blueprint along with any images, notes or documentation. Communication is clear and therefore individuals have everything they need to get the job done.
  • Updates are always on the Cloud: Notifications appear as soon as a new job is allocated or a task completed so you always have the most recent project status. Sometimes designs and project remits need to change. If the blueprint alters, then you can upload the new version to PlanRadar for immediate release to all users. Moreover, tasks automatically transfer to the new plan so that all users know they are working to the most up-to-date specifications.
  • Make it mobile: By its very nature, construction requires people to be on-site. In dynamic fast-paced environments, technology needs to be up to the task. PlanRadar is available on Smartphones through an easy-to-use app. No access to WiFi? No problem. PlanRadar automatically syncs all data as soon as you reconnect so you don’t lose any information.

Contractor software: fewer sleepless nights

In construction, minor defects can lead to massive costs and every minute means money. As a result of connecting teams and tasks through contractor software, the whole project becoming more contained and controlled. Teams collaborate, communication is clear, and safety and quality standards are prioritised.

As construction projects continue to grow in size and complexity, and productivity and cost become more important metrics, contractor software has never been more important.

Try PlanRadar today free for 30 days or contact our team for more information.

Get started in 4 easy steps.

1. Create an account

2. Upload plans

3. Invite team members

4. Download app