Form Builder Redesign

Form Builder Interface Update

The Form Builder user interface is accessed in the web application and has been redesigned for a better user experience and faster performance with some additional functionality. The main changes and new enhancements are outlined below.

The new Form Builder layout is shown below.

1 The form name can be set at the top middle of the page. Additionally, you can now include a form description to provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the form’s purpose. The Title field is list by default and cannot be removed.

2 Like before, the form builder field options are on the left. Click on a field or drag & drop it to the middle section to add it to your form. There are two types of fields: custom fields (previously ‘customizable fields’) and pre-defined fields (previously ‘Default fields’)

a Custom fields: can be renamed to suit your needs. To name, click on the field for the Field Editor to open, see details below.

b Pre-defined fields: cannot be renamed and can only be used once per form.

3 You can now find the Form settings on the right-hand side of the page.

c Under General options you can enable Attachments, Comments, Plan Position, Geolocation and Recurring Activity for a form.

d Under Projects, you can view all the projects to which the form is assigned

4 Once fields are added to the form, you can rearrange them by clicking and holding the dots on the right-hand side, then dragging it into your preferred order.

5 The Preview option remains in the top right corner.

Field Editor

The ability to edit and set permissions for each field has been moved to the Field Editor. Click on a field in the middle of the screen to access the editor. It will open on the right, overlaying the form settings. The Field Editor includes:

e General options – For custom fields, edit the field name here. You may also add a field description, to provide all stakeholders clarity on the field’s purpose.

f Default Settings allow you to set a default value that will be applied automatically in this field when the ticket is created. This can be a default text in the Long Text field or a default list in the List field. You would no longer need to configure the list on a project level as the default settings would apply to all projects the form is added to. Additionally, you can make the field mandatory, which previously needed to have been done in the Projects section of the web application.

g Field permissions – Setting Visible To and Editable By options have moved here. By activating the toggle, all roles are given view and edit rights. By deactivating this, you can manually set these options.

Additional form adjustments

By clicking the three dots next to the Form title, you can make additional adjustments to the form, including:

1 Form setting – While the field editor is open, click this button to return to the form settings.

2 View permissions – In addition to making edits in the Field Editor, you can also edit these settings here. Use the Apply to all fields option to easily give all fields the same permissions at once.

3 Duplicate Form – Click here to copy the form. The form name will indicate it is a copy.

4 Deactivate Form– Use this option to deactivate a form which will no longer be usable by the team. Deactivated forms are labelled as such and can be reactivated if needed. Tickets created with a deactivated form are retained.

5 Delete Form – Click this option to delete a form permanently. This is only possible if there is no ticket with a form of this type.

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