Your data is secure with PlanRadar

Our commitment to providing a highly secure and reliable environment in the cloud is at the core of what we do.

Over 170,000 users across 75+ countries are eliminating paperwork with PlanRadar

Our Compliance Certifications

Throughout our company, we operate in compliance with leading industry standards and certifications to ensure the safety of your data.

The GDPR regulates the processing of personal data by data processors within the European Union. In Accordance with the GDPR we ensure, amount other things, the protection and confidentially of all information.

ISO 27001 provides a framework to identify, control and decrease risks associated with data security. PlanRadar is ISO 27001 certified, ensuring that all technical and organisational procedures in our data processing are at the highest standard.

PlanRadar’s Chief Technology Officer discusses data security

How we store data

In accordance with the GDPR, we keep operational and client data on servers located in the United Kingdom using Amazon Cloud Services (AWS). Amazon supplies millions of customers around the world with the highest standards for privacy and data security in the cloud, providing fast, flexible and always-available service.

How we store data

Security Features

Encryption At Rest

Multi-Factor Authentication

Single Sign-On

Pin Protected & Encrypted Mobile Devices

Custom Expiring Password Policies

Biometric Security for Mobile Apps

High Security Mode

Privacy Controls at your Fingertips

Privacy Controls at your Fingertips

PlanRadar features an advanced permission system. It enables you to define which user can access what data and to which degree they can manipulate information. Set permission levels and user roles to make your businesses or project’s internal data handling more secure and reliable.

Regular Security Audits

Regular Security Audits

Working with third-party security experts, we regularly conduct external penetration tests for security verification.

Security and Privacy policies implemented by PlanRadar

Security and Privacy policies implemented by PlanRadar

Our policies ensure the safety and confidentiality of your data. The policies define information security rules for all relevant internal and external processes including disaster recovery plans, network security, and third party security

Learn more

We recognise our customers place a great deal of trust in us when they use our product and we are committed to protecting and securing their data to the highest standards.”

Constantin Köck ,

Chief Technology Officer, PlanRadar

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