aerial image of a green building with biophilic design

The construction industry, responsible for 39% of global energy-related carbon emissions, plays a crucial role in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By embracing new technologies, adopting innovative construction methods, enhancing sustainability education, and promoting retrofitting processes, significant efforts are underway to address the industry’s impact by the UN’s 2050 deadline. 

One concept frequently mentioned in improving the sector’s sustainability approach is biophilic design. But what exactly is biophilic design, and how is it applied in architecture and design? Biophilic design integrates natural elements into built environments to enhance the connection between people and nature, promoting well-being and environmental sustainability. 

In recent years, the intersection of biophilic design and sustainable building practices has garnered increasing attention within the architecture and construction industries. This holistic design philosophy not only seeks to improve indoor environmental quality and reduce energy consumption, but also aims to reconnect built environments with nature. From green roofs and living walls to daylighting strategies and renewable materials, biophilic design encompasses a broad spectrum of innovative solutions that align architectural aesthetics with ecological responsibility.  

As we delve into the role of biophilic design in green sustainable building, this Q&A with key regional experts Leon Ward and Vitaly Berezka from PlanRadar explores the principles, benefits, and technological advancements driving the integration of biophilic elements in today’s sustainable architecture:  

What are the core principles of biophilic design, and how do they enhance sustainable architecture? 

Leon Ward: The core principles of biophilic design include incorporating natural elements, fostering a connection with nature, and creating spaces that enhance human health and well-being. These principles involve using natural materials, maximizing natural light, integrating vegetation, and ensuring views of nature. Biophilic design enhances sustainable architecture by promoting energy efficiency through natural lighting and ventilation, reducing the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning. Additionally, the integration of greenery improves air quality and supports biodiversity, contributing to a healthier, more sustainable built environment. 

How has biophilic design evolved in recent years, and what are the current trends in this field? 

Vitaly Berezka: In recent years, biophilic design has evolved from merely adding greenery to buildings to a more holistic approach that deeply integrates natural elements into architectural planning and construction. Current trends include the use of advanced materials that mimic natural textures, and the incorporation of dynamic and diffused lights. We also see an increasing emphasis on creating multi-sensory experiences that engage sight, sound, smell, and touch. Technology plays a significant role, with smart systems that enhance the connection to nature, such as automated windows and climate control systems that respond to natural light and weather patterns. This evolution reflects a broader understanding of biophilic design’s potential to improve health, well-being, and environmental sustainability. 

What technological advancements are driving the integration of biophilic elements in modern architecture? 

Leon Ward: Technological advancements driving the integration of biophilic elements in modern architecture include smart building systems, advanced materials, and digital design tools. Smart building systems, such as automated lighting, climate control, and irrigation, adapt to natural cycles and conditions, enhancing occupants’ connection to nature. Advanced materials, like living walls and bio-based composites, provide sustainable options that mimic natural textures and functions. Digital design tools, including Building Information Modeling (BIM) and parametric design software, enable precise incorporation of biophilic elements from the planning stages. 

What are the most significant innovations in sustainable building materials that support biophilic design? 

Vitaly Berezka: The most significant innovations in sustainable building materials that support biophilic design include bio-based materials, recycled content products, and advanced glazing systems. Bio-based materials, such as bamboo, hempcrete, and mycelium, offer renewable and low-impact alternatives that integrate natural aesthetics and textures. Recycled content products, like reclaimed wood and recycled metal, reduce waste and provide unique, natural finishes. Advanced glazing systems, including electrochromic glass and low-emissivity coatings, maximize natural light while improving energy efficiency. These innovations enhance the sustainability and biophilic qualities of modern buildings, fostering a deeper connection to nature while minimizing environmental impact. 

How is urban planning adapting to include more biophilic and sustainable design elements? 

Leon Ward: Urban planning is increasingly incorporating biophilic and sustainable design elements to enhance livability, resilience, and environmental stewardship in cities. We see a growing emphasis on integrating green spaces, such as parks, green roofs, and vertical gardens, into urban landscapes to mitigate heat island effects, improve air quality, and promote biodiversity. Strategies include prioritizing pedestrian and bike-friendly infrastructure, which encourages physical activity and reduces reliance on carbon-intensive transportation. Additionally, zoning regulations and building codes are evolving to incentivize sustainable practices like passive design strategies and renewable energy integration. 

What are some emerging trends in sustainable architecture that incorporate biophilic principles? 

Vitaly Berezka: Some emerging trends in sustainable architecture that incorporate an emphasis on passive design strategies that maximize natural light and ventilation, reducing energy consumption. Innovations in modular construction and prefabricated elements promote efficient use of materials and resources, minimizing waste during construction. Additionally, there’s a trend towards adaptive reuse and renovation of existing buildings, incorporating biophilic elements to enhance their environmental performance and occupant comfort. These trends reflect a growing recognition of biophilic design’s potential to create healthier, more resilient built environments while reducing the ecological footprint of construction projects. 

What are the latest developments in renewable energy technologies for sustainable buildings? 

Leon Ward: Latest developments in renewable energy technologies for sustainable buildings include advancements in solar photovoltaics (PV), energy storage systems, and integrated renewable energy solutions. We are seeing increased efficiency and affordability in solar PV panels, with innovations like bifacial panels that capture sunlight from both sides and transparent solar cells integrated into building facades and windows. Energy storage solutions, such as lithium-ion batteries and flow batteries, enable buildings to store excess energy generated by renewables for use during peak demand periods or when solar or wind resources are not available. Furthermore, there’s a trend towards integrated systems that combine solar PV with other renewable sources like wind turbines or geothermal heat pumps, providing comprehensive solutions for maximizing onsite renewable energy generation. These developments are crucial in advancing the sustainability goals of buildings by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating carbon emissions. 

How are water conservation technologies being integrated into biophilic and sustainable architecture? 

Vitaly Berezka: Water conservation technologies are increasingly integrated into biophilic and sustainable architecture to reduce water consumption and enhance environmental efficiency. One notable advancement is the implementation of greywater recycling systems, which capture and treat wastewater from sinks, showers, and washing machines for non-potable uses such as drainage and irrigation. Another innovative approach involves the use of rainwater harvesting systems, where rainwater is collected from roofs and stored in tanks for various onsite applications, including landscaping and cooling systems. Additionally, efficient plumbing fixtures like low-flow faucets and dual-flush toilets help minimize water usage without compromising functionality. These technologies not only support sustainable water management practices but also align with biophilic design principles by fostering a closer connection to natural water cycles within the built environment. 

What is the impact of biophilic design on indoor air quality, and what innovations are enhancing this aspect? 

Leon Ward: We’re increasingly seeing that biophilic design positively impacts indoor air quality by incorporating natural elements that filter pollutants and improve ventilation. For instance, living walls and green roofs act as natural air purifiers, absorbing harmful compounds and particulate matter while releasing oxygen. Additionally, innovative ventilation systems like biofiltration units use plant-based filters to cleanse indoor air, reducing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and enhancing overall air quality. Another emerging technology is photocatalytic oxidation, where surfaces coated with photocatalysts react with light to break down airborne pollutants. These biophilic-inspired innovations not only contribute to healthier indoor environments but also align with sustainable building practices by reducing reliance on energy-intensive mechanical ventilation systems and synthetic air purifiers. 

What are the challenges and opportunities in scaling biophilic design in urban environments? 

Vitaly Berezka: Scaling biophilic design in urban environments presents both challenges and opportunities for enhancing livability and sustainability. One of the primary challenges is the limited space available for integrating natural elements such as greenery and water features. However, advancements in vertical greening systems, such as modular green walls and rooftop gardens, offer solutions to maximize green spaces in dense urban areas. Additionally, there’s a need to address maintenance requirements and ensure long-term viability of biophilic elements amidst urban pollution and climate variability. Opportunities lie in leveraging biophilic design to mitigate urban heat island effects, improve air quality, and promote mental well-being among urban dwellers. Technologies like sensor-controlled irrigation systems and lightweight planting substrates enable efficient maintenance and adaptation of biophilic features to urban contexts. Collaborative efforts among architects, urban planners, and policymakers are crucial in overcoming these challenges. 

What role do Australian building certifications play in promoting biophilic and sustainable design? 

Leon Ward: Australian building certifications, such as Green Star and the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS), play a significant role in promoting biophilic and sustainable design practices across the country. Green Star certification, managed by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), evaluates buildings based on criteria that include energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and innovation. It encourages biophilic design through credits for features like green roofs, natural ventilation systems, and integration of vegetation into building facades. Similarly, NABERS assesses the environmental performance of buildings, including energy and water usage, indoor air quality, and waste management. It encourages sustainable practices that align with biophilic design principles, such as efficient use of resources and enhancement of occupant well-being. These certifications drive the adoption of newer technologies and systems in Australian buildings, such as advanced building management systems (BMS), renewable energy solutions, and water-efficient fixtures, all contributing to a more sustainable and biophilic built environment nationwide. 

How do you see the future of biophilic design and sustainable architecture evolving over the next decade? 

Vitaly Berezka: We anticipate significant advancements in biophilic design and sustainable architecture over the next decade, driven by innovative technologies and evolving societal priorities. One key trend is the integration of smart technologies that enhance the connection between occupants and nature, such as biometric feedback systems that adjust indoor environments based on user preferences and biological rhythms. Advanced materials like bio-based composites and self-healing materials will continue to replace traditional construction materials, reducing environmental impact and enhancing building resilience. Additionally, there will be a greater emphasis on regenerative design principles, where buildings contribute positively to their surrounding ecosystems through features like urban agriculture and habitat restoration. These developments will not only improve energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality but also foster healthier and more resilient communities in the face of climate change and urbanization pressures. 


About Leon Ward 

Leon Ward serves as the Regional Lead (Australia + New Zealand) at PlanRadar, bringing extensive expertise in electrical, mining, and project management garnered over a span of more than ten years. 

With a comprehensive understanding of the challenges associated with obtaining precise and timely data from field operations to the back office, Leon has built up invaluable insight experience to address these obstacles effectively. 

Leveraging his comprehensive knowledge and extensive industry experience, Leon provides indispensable insights and direction in construction management and process enhancement. Having contributed to numerous notable projects across Australia, his work is highly regarded by clients, teams, and audiences due to his hands-on and customer-centric approach in integrating technology seamlessly into the construction industry. At PlanRadar, he leads Australia’s construction digitization efforts, driving innovation through smart SaaS solutions. 

About Vitaly Berezka 

Vitaly Berezka is leading business development across Central Asia, MENA and APAC regions for the prominent construction and real estate software company PlanRadar.  

With an engineering degree in construction, Vitaly as well holds an executive degree in business administration. His experience in the real estate development and construction industry spans more than 15 years. Since 2013, he has held management positions in international companies that provide innovative solutions to the construction and real estate industries.  

Besides lecturing on digitalization topics at universities, he is the author of scientific publications and the co-author of three books. Vitaly is a member of International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI). 


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