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3 key strategies to maximise the ROI from your construction management platform

12.12.2022 | 6 min read | Written by Jessica Graham

image of a construction crane

In today’s construction industry, the management of a project has become crucial to building construction outcomes. Construction projects need to be managed with efficiency and accuracy throughout the entire process. However, many organisations struggle with this goal due to the complexity of their processes and lack of visibility into their data. While construction management software has evolved to address these challenges, there are still some barriers to maximising operational efficiencies.

Using construction management software is a great way for construction businesses to increase their return on investment (ROI). By streamlining processes and leveraging the benefits of digital technology, construction companies can save time and money while improving operational efficiency on their projects.

In this article, we explore a number of ways that businesses in the construction industry can maximise their ROI from using a construction management platform.

What is construction management software?

A construction management platform is a digital tool that connects the various stakeholders in a construction project. This can be an effective way to streamline communication and collaboration, reduce costs and increase efficiency by allowing you to create dedicated areas for each person or group involved in your project. It’s also an excellent tool for improving quality, safety, and sustainability.

There are several important aspects of the construction management platform that will help make all this possible:

  • A single user interface – The software should have one central location where people can log on with their ID badges or passwords so they can view all relevant information about the job in one place.
  • A single source of truth – The construction management platform should be able to store all relevant information in one place so it’s accessible to everyone involved at any given time, independent of location or types of devices used.
  • A single source of information –The construction management platform should include tools, features and functions that allow teams to share and collaborate on projects, no matter where they are in the world. This will help them work together efficiently without having to worry about losing important documents or forgetting passwords because everyone has access to everything they need at all times.

Maximising returns on construction management platform investments

When it comes to maximising returns on your construction management platform, there are a few key strategies you can use:

  • Visualise project data
  • Automate workflows
  • Build standardised and repeatable processes

1. Visualise integrated project data and workflows

One of the key benefits of using a construction management platform is the ability to visualise all the information related to the projects. This can help managers to make better decisions, and improve productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction.

For example, a construction manager needs to do some renovations on one floor but wants to keep it as simple as possible to optimise resource utilisation. The construction manager can use the construction management platform’s visualisation capabilities to see how much space has been taken up by each room so far and whether or not any dead spaces. The construction manager can also check out where power outlets are located throughout the building—are they placed well enough so everyone has access? Are there enough outlets per person? Ideally, this would allow managers to determine ahead of time if something needs changing before it becomes too late.

Construction businesses rely on efficient workflows and accurate project data to ensure successful completion of projects and maximise their return on investment (ROI). However, it can be challenging to manage these processes without the right tools. Using construction management software with visualisations makes it easier to understand integrated project data and optimise workflows in a timely manner.

By visualising data through construction management software, businesses can get an overview of their project and better coordinate processes. This facilitates collaboration between departments and provides a basis for making informed decisions. The software also helps to identify areas where changes or improvements can be made in order to increase ROI. Furthermore, the ability to access real-time data allows businesses to take immediate action and make better decisions that can positively impact their bottom line.

Overall, construction management software with visualisations enables businesses to gain valuable insights into their project data and workflows. This helps them optimise operations, drive revenue growth and maximise ROI. Additionally, it improves communication between stakeholders and contributes to a culture of collaboration and efficiency.

2. Automate digital workflows

A construction management platform can help automate the project workflow. In other words, it can help make sure projects are completed on time and within budget by eliminating manual tasks and streamlining processes.

Automated digital workflows in construction management software provide many benefits to businesses, such as saving time and money while increasing efficiency. When processes like data analysis, reporting insights, and project tracking are streamlined, it allows for quicker decision-making and better management of resources. For example, let’s say a construction manager needs to get a permit for a new building. They will be able to use the construction management platform to track down all of the information they need quickly to get the permit approved. Traditionally, this task would have required someone to manually go through records and files for hours to collect the necessary information.

Automation helps to reduce errors, which can lead to greater overall accuracy and reduce instances of defects, material issues and costly rework.

Additionally, automating manually time-consuming processes can provide instant, real-time reporting capabilities, allowing construction businesses to adapt quickly to changes in the market or external factors that may affect their projects.

3. Enable standardised and repeatable processes

The importance of standardised and repeatable processes is a well-documented topic within the construction industry.

Standardisation and repetition allow construction companies to save time, effort, and resources on each job they undertake. This can help improve timelines and ensure that projects are completed on time, while also reducing costs associated with overruns. Additionally, standardising templates, forms, reporting and project progress tracking in the software helps eliminate mistakes due to human error, leading to improved accuracy in all areas of a project – from estimating materials to budgeting for labour.

For example, let’s say a project manager at a construction company wants to get some supplies for the job site but does not want their workers to have to run out to the nearest store every day for new materials. Instead, the construction manager can set up an order with their supplier using their construction management platform so that all of the materials needed for this particular job will be delivered directly to the job site when they’re needed. This not only avoids any wastage of time due to materials arriving late but also saves money by orchestrating planned orders.

There are many ways to implement and maintain standardised processes within a construction business, but one of the most effective ways is by using a construction management platform. Such a platform will allow construction managers to streamline manual tasks such as document creation and approval, data management, job costing, etc. This allows teams to focus on more important things like bidding on new projects or negotiating with suppliers rather than wasting time completing repetitive tasks manually every week or month.


Using a construction management platform, managers can visualise project data, automate workflows and enable standardised repeatable processes for daily operations. Construction management platform helps companies to centralise all their communication, data, and documentation. Construction management platform also provides the tools to manage projects more efficiently reducing costs and improving communication, collaboration, productivity, and risk management.

Construction businesses are increasingly using construction management software to improve their ROI. Through the use of technology, companies can significantly reduce the costs associated with managing projects and streamline operations. By enabling standardised and repeatable processes within construction management software, businesses can further maximise their ROI by reducing errors, increasing efficiency and improving overall project quality.

Interested in using a digital construction management platform for your next project? Start your 30-day free PlanRadar trial here.

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